Supporting university language testing initiatives and enhancing the quality of teaching, testing and learning modern language skills in Higher Education.
NULTE, short for Network of University Language Testers in Europe, works under the umbrella of CercleS and, at present, consists of six systems of certification from different countries: Acert (Poland), CertAcles® (Spain), CLES (France), UNILANG (United Kingdom and Ireland), UNIcert® (Germany and beyond) and UNIcert®LUCE (Slovakia and Czech Republic).
In providing a forum for identifying and pursuing the common interests of university language testers, the Network of University Language Testers in Europe seeks closer cooperation and mutual recognition between university language certificates.
Testing the productive skills is a particular strength of NULTE testing systems and is of upmost importance for successful communication in international contexts. Tests within in the NULTE-context are context sensitive and university-based and framed within the context of higher education. Rigorous procedures for validation purposes and quality assurance are core elements of each testing system.